Friday, August 5, 2011

Family Vaction Fun..

 We made it! San Diego airport...
 All our kiddo's..
 Don't they look thrilled?..
 Oldest to youngest headed out to the beach...
 Picture perfect... :)
 Palm Springs swimming...
 Aren't they so cute?..
 Aren't we so cute?...
 Walking into Lego land...
 Chewy!! lol...
 3D movie..
 The babies..
 Paradise... so pretty..
 My honey is so funny..
 Hiding from the kids!.. lol..
 They found us!... :)
 We are so funny... :)
Heading to the airport...
Picture overload... I still have so many.. We had so fun on our family trip to San Diego and Palm Springs. The kids all met for the first time and they all got along pretty well. We also handled 6 kids like champs! :) We got this! ;) We went to the beach, swam everyday, Knott's Soak city and Legoland. It was so nice to see how we all worked together and I have to say my Ping is the man. He is so calm and nothing ruffles his feathers.. He handles stress so well and helps out in every way! I couldn't be more grateful.  It was hard to grab a moment alone but it was such a good experience and so cute to see our babies together! My love for him grows with each day.. More memories to add to our book.. :)